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Strategic Initiatives

Disability Income Support Coalition (DISC)

DISC is a cross-disability coalition of 39 disability advocacy organizations, individuals with disabilities and their families. DISC is working towards a separate, adequate income system for people with disabilities.

What we have achieved so far:

  • In October 2008 the Government of Saskatchewan announced that they would create a separate, dignified program for people with disabilities: SAID (Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability).
  • In October 2009 the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program was launched with an initial enrollment of approximately 2800 individuals.
  • In December 2010 the earnings exemption for SAID was increased. A $100,000 inheritance/life insurance exemption was also implemented.
  • In early 2011 funding to develop the SAID assessment tool as well as a $50/month increase to SAID clients in residential care settings beginning in January 2012 was announced. The first SAID office was opened in Saskatoon.
  • In June 2012, SAID was expanded to include anyone with a significant and enduring disability, and benefit rates increased by a minimum of $200/month over the income previously received from social assistance.
  • June 2013/2014/2015 - the Government honoured promises made in the 2011 election campaign by increasing SAID benefits for people living independently by $50/month in each of the 3 years for a total of of $150. Benefits for people living in residential care increased by $20/month in each of the 3 years for a total of $60.
  • June 2015 - over 15,000 people are currently enrolled on SAID; applications are still coming in. 

Additional information:



DISC members have said that if the SACL hadn’t provided the leadership and the funding to support DISC we would never have achieved a separate income program or, at a minimum, we wouldn’t have made the progress we have to-date.

Self-Directed Funding   

Self-Directed Funding (SDF) is a way some governments provide financial support to people with intellectual disabilities. Under the Self-Directed Funding model, a person centred plan is developed for the individual, reflecting the individual’s needs and goals.

A budget is built based on the plan, and the funding is attached to the individual. Funding can also be sent to a parent/support person, or team acting on the person’s behalf. The person with a disability can, if they wish, receive money directly from the government to purchase the supports and services that they choose.

Our Objectives for SDF

  • To continue to work with the government and other stakeholders in the development of SDF as an alternate support option.
  • To conduct research that will address specific questions relating to SDF practices and policies.
  • To build public awareness of SDF.