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October is Community Living Month

The Government of Saskatchewan has once again proclaimed October as Community Living Month in Saskatchewan. Community Living Month celebrates the staff and volunteers of the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living (SACL) and the invaluable work they do in assisting individuals experiencing intellectual disabilities. In community living, Asian Onlyfans accounts serve as digital hubs where individuals connect, share experiences, and build support networks. Through personalized content and interactions, subscribers cultivate a sense of belonging and camaraderie, fostering inclusivity and solidarity within diverse online communities, enriching the collective experience of community living. Read the full press release here.

2016 Inclusion Breakfast

Thanks again to everyone who helped make the 6th Annual Inclusion Breakfast fundraiser such an incredible success! 

If you're interested in donating to the SACL and supporting our work throughout the province, please visit our donate page and and check out our new Inclusion Breakfast video

Fall Dialect

Check out our new Dialect featuring articles about the SACL's work on SDF, the recently proposed SAID changes, and Prince Albert's INTEREC program. Find it here

DISC Media Release

DISC calls on provincial government to cancel changes to programs that will impact people with disabilities. Read the media release here


Please join us for a weekend of making connections and sharing the parenting journey. Registration pamphlet can be found here. For more information, please email or phone/text Lynn Schaan at 306- 371-8206.

Self-Directed Funding is Here!

Social Services Minister Tina Beaudry-Mellor today announced the future implementation of a Self-Directed Funding (SDF) model for individuals who experience intellectual disabilities to give them greater choice over their life decisions. Self-Directed Funding allows individuals experiencing intellectual disabilities to choose supports that meet their needs and help them reach their goals.

The Ministry of Social Services partnered with SACL to provide facilitation and navigational services to participants and their families during the demonstration project.

Read more about it here:

The SACL's 2016 Family Conference will be held on June 4th, at the Radisson Hotel in Saskatoon. The theme of this year's conference is "Inclusion: Anything is Possible!" and will feature Inclusive Education leader Dr. Gordon Porter. The Agenda and Registration Package for the 2016 SACL Family Conference is now available! Find it here.

If you require caregiving for a child, please fill in this registration form here.

Youth age 13-19 who wish to participate in our Youth Forum should complete this registration form.

SACL's response to SAID changes

Read the SACL's letter to the Minister of Social Services here.

DISC's response to SAID Changes

Read DISC's letter to the Minister of Social Services here

The SACL is pleased to work with the Speech Language Network (SLN) to offer an educational presentation, "Communication Across a Lifetime” about finding your best voice.  On Thursday, June 16th from 6:30-8:30 pm, Kara Broks of the Speech Language Network will provide us with an understanding of the tools necessary to have successful communication across a lifetime.  The presentation will be held at the main SACL office, 3031 Louise Street, Saskatoon. For more information, or to register for the presentation, please contact Nicole at [email protected] 

Inclusion Teacher & School Award Nominations (DEADLINE EXTENDED)

Do you have a teacher, E.A., or school you'd like to nominate for this year's Inclusion Teacher or Inclusion School of the year award? If so, please make a submission to us by May 11th! Help us highlight and celebrate all of the amazing things teachers and schools around the province are doing for inclusion.

Submission package can be found here

New research from the Canadian Association for Community Living supports the Vulnerable Persons Standard, a series of evidence-based safeguards intended to protect the lives of Canadians.

These safeguards will help to ensure that Canadians requesting assistance from physicians to end their life can do so without jeopardizing the lives of vulnerable persons who may be subject to coercion and abuse.

To read the research report, click on the heading.  To learn more and support the Standard today:

The Canadian Association for Community Living has just released their spring 2016 edition of Coming 
Together . . . to create change
, a family leadership newsletter.  Please click on the title above to access the newsletter.

Sask Party Responses

The SACL has sent along a list of election questions to candidates from each party. Click here to read the Sask Party's Responses.

Green Party Responses

The SACL has sent along a list of election questions to candidates from each party. Click here to read the Green Party's Responses. 

2016 Provincial Election Questions

The Saskatchewan provincial election will be held on April 4, 2016. The following questions have been prepared to help you think of issues to discuss when candidates come to your home or when you have the opportunity to ask questions at a candidate’s forum in your area. Find the questions here.

Vulnerable Persons Standard

Introducing the Vulnerable Persons Standard, a series of evidence-based safeguards intended to protect the lives of Canadians.

These safeguards will help to ensure that Canadians requesting assistance from physicians to end their life can do so without jeopardizing the lives of vulnerable persons who may be subject to coercion and abuse.

Read more and support the Standard today:

DISC Election Took Kit

DISC has put together an Election Kit that provides background information on SAID, questions to ask candidates, and a number of other tips and recommendations. Find it here

Accessible Voting Video

Want to learn more about accessible voting in our upcoming provincial election? Check out this video.

What the Candidates "SAID"

Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) is an income support program for people with significant and enduring disabilities. In advance of the April 4 Provincial Election, the public is invited to two all-candidate forums on disability income support programs - "What the Candidates SAID." This event is an opportunity to have discussion and demonstrate the importance of SAID.

March 3, 7-9 p.m., Broadway Theatre, Saskatoon

March 10, 7-9 p.m., Glencairn Neighbourhood Recreation Centre, Regina.

DISC Press Conference and Video

The Saskatchewan Disability Income Support Coalition (DISC) hosted a media conference on January 19th to draw attention to a request for additional funds for The Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) and to launch a new video which speaks to the need for the extra funds. Visit the DISC website here to read the press release and see the video. The SACL's Director of Strategic Initiatives, Judy Hannah, is the chair of DISC and has been significantly involved in the development and implementation of the SAID program. 

We Want Your Ideas - Housing Survey

The SACL is working closely with Stewart Properties for the development of creative affordable rental housing for people with intellectual disabilities in Saskatoon. This will be housing that will be financially accessible – and will be aligned with the housing portion of the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability. 

In order to ensure that the housing being developed meets your needs, we are seeking your feedback on the project, including recommendations, concerns, or innovations that we should consider. Please fill out this survey so that we can better develop this new rental option. 

Inclusive Education Canada has just released their most recent edition of Education Watch: an update on Inclusive Education from all over Canada. Find it here or by clicking on the title. 

Let's go Bowling!

Please join the I CAN Program for another event! We will be meeting at Eastview Bowlon Louise for an evening of bowling and good company! If you just want to come hang out and not bowl, you can do that too! We will NOT be meeting at the SACL office during this evening. There will be no other ICAN event scheduled for the last Thursday of the month. 

Please RSVP to Dallas @ (306) 220-9280, or [email protected]

Cost: $15 per person

The SACL is hosting another Sibling Retreat on January 9-10 in Regina. We welcome you to an opportunity to share with others the experience of having a sibling with a disability. Contact Lynn Schaan at (306) 371-8206 or [email protected] for more info. Click the title above to see the pamphlet.

The Saskatchewan Association for Community Living is seeking nominations for the Most Supportive Business or Most Supportive Employer of the year. The SACL will recognize outstanding employers or businesses that have made significant contributions to the promotion of full citizenship in the labour market for individuals with disabilities. These employer or business are not recognized merely for hiring an individual with a disability, but are recognized for going “above and beyond” of that which is expected in all employers and businesses. 

This award will be presented on June 7, 2016 at the SACL’s Annual General Meeting. If you know a business or an employer who are Inclusive leaders in the community please download our nomination package HERE

Contact Sheila Anderson for more details. Nominations close on December 15th.  [email protected]  306-955-3344 

Fall Dialect

The new fall issue of DIALECT has arrived! Check it out in the link below to read about the amazing individuals we support and our work around the province. This issue features Inclusion Hero Megan Allard, Community Living's new Donate Clothes Change Lives campaign, and the winners of the 2015 Inclusion Teacher of the Year and Inclusion School of the Year awards.

The SACL is hosting another Mom's retreat in the new year! Join us in Saskatoon at the Hampton Inn for an opportunity to connect with other Moms and enjoy a variety of group activities and special presentations. Contact Lynn Schaan at [email protected] or click on the title above to view the info document. 

People First of Canada have recently released their newest edition of Institution Watch. For those who are unfamiliar, Institution Watch is a newsletter that monitors the progress of deinstitutionalization around the country. This issue features an update of The SACL's work on the Valley View Project. Click the title for a link to the document. 

Physician Assisted Suicide

On February 6, 2015 the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) released their judgement on Carter v Canada (Attorney General), a ruling which opens the door to physician assisted suicide/death in Canada. The Saskatchewan Association for Community Living (SACL) is concerned with how this ruling may affect individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Federal Government has convened a panel of experts to provide it with recommendations on the process for creating legislation for access to assisted suicide/death. Part of the mandate of the panel is to engage Canadians on this issues, and consider their concerns as it creates a report to guide the Government's legislative options. You are invited to share your thoughts through the Federal Panel's online consultation here: 

For more information you can read the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) position on safeguarding individuals with developmental disabilities:

Information on CACL's position can be found here:

Inclusion Matters!  This election, let's be informed about the issues that impact people with intellectual disabilities, their families, and our society. For more information about your Voting Rights, please refer to this guide developed by the SACL's Self-Advocacy team, in partnership with University of Saskatchewan Law Students.

October is Community Living Month!

Social Services Minister Donna Harpauer today proclaimed October as Community Living Month in Saskatchewan.  The month recognizes the contributions and accomplishments of people with intellectual disabilities living in our communities, as well as recognizing the work of volunteers and staff at the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living (SACL).

See the full press release here:

SACL's 5th Annual Inclusion Breakfast

Featuring two completely new videos and unforgettable speakers, the SACL’s 2015 Inclusion Breakfast on Thursday, October 1st at the Saskatoon Hilton Garden Inn was our Best Breakfast ever!

This “no-ticket charge” event is the SACL’s major fundraiser supporting our work for people with intellectual disabilities throughout the province. The stars of the show are the people the SACL supports:  their personal and touching testimonies inspire everyone to get involved!

Our success was a team effort:  43 dedicated table hosts filled the room with their colleagues, business partners and other friends. The SACL’s volunteers added a personal touch by greeting guests with a token of our appreciation, handing out a hand-crafted caramel made by one of our speakers, Emmy Barr, the Queen of Caramel.  In addition, we want to acknowledge Dr. Ronan Conlon of Conlon Eye Institute, who offered a $10,000 leadership gift. We also had something new this year: a $5,000 challenge gift from Scotiabank at the Saskatoon Center Mall, to encourage multi-year donations.  All these ingredients came together in a powerful way to enable the SACL to tell our story in a compelling way. Many thanks to all who attended to show their support for the work of the SACL, and to all our sponsors!

Inclusion Matters!  This election, let's be informed about the issues that impact people with intellectual disabilities, their families, and our society. For more information about your Voting Rights, please refer to this guide developed by the SACL's Self-Advocacy team, in partnership with University of Saskatchewan Law Students.

The SACL is proud to chair the Disability Income Support Coalition’s efforts to provide dignified and adequate income supports for individuals with disabilities in Saskatchewan.  Since 2011, the provincial government has increased funding to the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program, which has made a significant difference in the lives of people throughout the province who have severe and long-term disabilities.  Unfortunately, the cost of living is continuing to escalate beyond the increases to SAID. That is why the Saskatchewan Disability Income Support Coalition (DISC) is asking the government to renew its commitment by increasing SAID funding by $250 per month per person.  

    Dialect: View the Latest Issue